Friday, August 6, 2010


I thought I'd send out some updates on recent developments.

1. Kate

Our friendship has grown by leaps and bounds since that first awkward dinner in March. We enjoy our time together and look forward to each visit and new adventure. We've been making some interesting plans for trips, etc. Coming up in a couple of weeks will be a trip to Asheville, NC to see Matthew playing at his regular Wednesday night jazz gig at Mo' Daddy's Bar. It will be wonderful to see Matt in his "element" and he's looking forward to meeting Kate. We're eager to meet Matt's new friend, Audrey. Love is in the air; what can I say?

The next day, after we visit the magnificent Biltmore Estate in Asheville, we'll drive the 60 or so miles to Gatlinburg, Tennessee, gateway to the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. This will be a very special trip because, as far as I know, there has never been a Getman who has set foot in Tennessee! Actually, this magnificent area resonates with Kate and she wants to share it with me. I'm putty in her hands.

In late September Kate and I will be traveling to Boston, Grantham, NH, and Montreal. It will be my first opportunity to show Kate my "roots" and have her meet many of my South Shore and New Hampshire friends and family, including dinner at my brother Marvin's and sister-in-law Sharon's place in Lexington. It will be great to see them again. One of the many highlights of the trip will be the brisket luncheon my sister-in-law, Judy Ernest, has planned for us on September 24. Brisket at Bob and Judy's is one of the great culinary experiences in the galaxy. It's right up there with a hard salami sandwich at the G&G or a hot fudge sundae at Brigham's.

Of particular interest will be a trip we have planned for early December. We've enrolled in a "Road Scholar" (formerly Elderhostel) program entitled "The Cajun Experience." The five-day program will take place at the university in Lafayette, Louisiana which is the epicenter of Cajun culture. In addition to the history of the Acadians and their famous trek from Canada, the program will focus on Cajun music, lifestyle, and cuisine. We're both looking forward to learning something about this interesting group of people, including how to do the two-step.

2. Coco

That's her picture above. She's Kate's impossibly neurotic Shitzu. Kate, a lifelong dog lover, rescued Coco from a very bad puppy mill situation. Damage had been done and it took Kate both a long time and a lot of tenderness to get Coco to trust her. While she is still skittish (Coco, not Kate), she is much more comfortable under Kate's loving care. The roll of thunder or the sound of passersby can still terrify her (Coco, not Kate), but a quick tummy rub and a slice of salami will usually calm her down (Coco, not Kate).

The other day for the first time Coco allowed me to pet her. Time and love are both great healers.

3. My Acting Career

The first performance of "Cookin' It" will take place next week at The Boys and Girls Club of Pensacola.

We're not ready. Not even close.

One member of the cast is having a very hard time remembering his lines. He probably should be spending more time reading his script and less time reading the greens at his golf club. The same cast member is simply an awful dancer, make that a hideous dancer, surgically repaired knee notwithstanding. He had no idea there would be dancing when he signed up for the project. Some of the other cast members were at first shocked at his ineptitude. They thought that even just by accident and the law of averages, he would be bound to get some of the steps right. They know now that he defies the law of averages and are now simply amused at his awkward moves, lunges, and hand movements. Amused and aghast. The director has given up trying to improve this unfortunate situation and has decided to change her name and salvage some of her damaged reputation.

Watch the national news programs next Friday, August 13, to see if there is some kind of walkout or riot at The Boys and Girls Club of Pensacola.

I'm psyched for the cast party!

4. Josh, Cindy and the Twins

This awesome crew is coming down for a long weekend on August 20. It will be their first trip to see "Grampy" in his new environment. Needless to say, Grampy is bursting with excitement and pride at the thought of seeing his family. I can't wait for the twins to experience swimming in the Gulf of Mexico. They both love the water, and the beauty of the Gulf here is staggering. So far, no tar balls here, thank goodness. Josh and Cindy will get a chance to sweat more than they ever thought humanly possible, so we have that going for us. Naturally, I'm looking forward to having Kate meet all of them.

As is Ada.

Ain't life grand?

Much love,


  1. Joel, Comments and questions. Where is C&G and what is it?
    You will enjoy the Biltmore immensely.
    After the Cajun Arcadians you may want a trip to Nova Scotia.
    We were in the Great Smokies and they are truly great. We loved Chattanooga as well. Great spots all.

  2. hi wilma,

    the G&G was the deli on blue hill ave in dorchester/mattapan where i and all my friends (including ada) hung out...kind of like the movie "diner"...their hard salami sandwich was the stuff of legend!

