Thursday, May 20, 2010

Ada, Kate, and The Opera

I recently purchased 2 season tickets to the Pensacola Opera Company. Lest you think that extravagant, you must understand that this company only performs two operas a season. This year they are performing "Little Women" in January and Puccini's remarkable "Turandot" in March.

There was a method to my madness.

Kate had said that she was a fan of opera and if the opportunity presented itself, she would love to attend a performance. While I am not a total opera buff per se, I am completely mesmerized by "Turandot". I've listened to the entire opera countless times and have even tried to sing the classic aria "Nessun Dorma" (in Pavarotti's key no less) in the shower. Without being overly graphic, let's just say that this was not a good idea and one shouldn't try this at home. I received a not so gentle reminder that Pavarotti is Pavarotti for a reason and, even though I was a star tenor in the Boston Latin School Glee Club, there are certain limitations to my vocal range.

I walked with a limp for a month!

But I digress. When I called Kate to tell her that I had ordered the tickets for these two operas, she was thrilled. So was I because it meant that we had to remain a "couple" at least until March 11, the "Turandot" performance. I told her that on March 12 she can leave me by the side of the road, but not until then. Kate was kind enough to tell me that she didn't envision that happening, and that these tickets could serve as her March birthday present. Sweet!

Come to think of it, I wish they had had the 2012 season for sale.

I'm excited about this for another more personal reason. During much of our wonderful marriage, Ada and I took in all the live music we could. When we lived in Massachusetts, we took full advantage of the Boston concert scene, especially at the great jazz club The Regattabar in Cambridge. We saw all the jazz greats there over the years and had many wonderful evenings out with friends. We also attended numerous symphonic concerts and live plays. In New Hampshire we subscribed each year to the Hopkins Center concert series at Dartmouth. Again, we would take in seven or eight great concerts a year by world class jazz and classical performers. However, the last couple of years were difficult in many ways. We would have purchased tickets ahead of time for a particular concert and then would not be able to go for one reason or another. We certainly didn't mind giving the tickets away when that happened, but it was a source of frustration to be under the "control" of the disease to that extent. Eventually, we stopped buying tickets figuring it was better to not plan to go in the first place than to plan to go and have to cancel. It breaks my heart when I remember how hard Ada tried to rally in those circumstances and how disappointed she was when she had to cancel.

I know it pleases Ada to see me buying tickets for live performances again. It's just one more obstacle overcome. When Kate and I take our seats at Pensacola's Saenger Theater in January and again in March, Ada will be standing off to the side smiling and we'll all be on our feet cheering after Nessun Dorma.

No more cancellations.

Much love,


  1. We are traveling in the RV and are at the Great Smokey Mountain National Park for 5 or 6 days. We too have opera tickets, for the Metropolitan Opera this December, via videocast in Naples. Hoping to enjoy the experience, I hear it is wonderful. Thanks for the photo of Kate. We are happy for both of you!

  2. Memories, opera, beach, warm weather, Kate - to great times!!!

    Linc & Vicki

  3. I love Nessun Dorma. You turned me on to it years ago by giving me the Turundot record, yes I said record. I hope you gave it to me and didn't lend it to me...yikes..I'll get it back to you I promise.
    Aside from Nessun Dorma which I too try to sing without crying (or making others cry) I hate opera, probably as much as I hate grits!
    Looking forward to seeing you in June. Hope to meet Kate sometime in the near future as well.
    She seems very nice, even if she does like grits. At least she has good taste in men.
